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Lunch & Learn

Start the Conversation

Start a conversation with your coworkers with a Wassmuth Center for Human Rights Lunch and Learn. This workshop can be facilitated in person or virtually.


Christina Bruce-Bennion

Executive director of the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights. With a varied career in education, refugee resettlement and human rights education, Christina holds a B.A. in Political Science and a EdM in International Educational Development.

Jess Westhoff

Education Specialist at the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights. Jess has a wide ranging career in education, peace and conflict resolution, and human rights education. She has a B.A. in American Studies and English and an MA in Education.

Choose a Topic

What is my Civic Responsibility?

The messaging of the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial challenges each visitor to examine their role in the community. Am I a bystander or upstander when I hear or witness injustice? Am I willing to commit to the core principles of diversity, inclusion, ethics, respect, and civility?

Conversations, Not Confrontations

Do you want to sharpen your mindset and skillset and have difficult conversations? Whether in your workplace, family, or community, we can all benefit from learning these important skills to manage difficult topics, heated emotions, and ultimately find common ground and constructive ways to move a conversation forward.

Human Rights as a Pathway to Belonging

Human rights are often an abstract concept. Join us to learn about the implications of not protecting human rights and how working to protect them can create stronger, thriving communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

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How to Schedule a Session

To schedule a session, contact us by clicking the button below.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


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