Human Rights Education Fellowship
Teaching for Justice and Joy
The Wassmuth Human Rights Education Fellowship supports preschool through university-level educators to explore how to create just and joyful learning communities.
Fellows will convene for a week in the summer and regularly throughout the academic year to collectively deepen their understanding of human rights. Through interactive workshops, guest speakers, and collaborative initiatives, fellows will develop their identity, skill, intellect, criticality, and joy as human rights educators.
Each fellowship class will also play a key role in building a solid and ever-growing network of educators who consistently incorporate human rights content into their instruction.
Fellows will be provided with books, materials, and other resources. Educators can also register for up to 6 graduate-level continuing education credits through ISU’s Albion Center.
Become a Wassmuth Fellow
“The Wassmuth Human Rights Education Fellowship is one of the most enriching and joyful professional development experiences I have ever had. By empowering teachers to delve into the topic of human rights and subsequently grow a network of experts, the fellowship is planting the seeds for a better future. Our students deserve full access and attention to their rights, and this fellowship is a step in making that a reality.”