The Wassmuth Center is powered by volunteer docents, event planners, designers and editors, gardeners, grounds crew, and good old-fashioned “office stars”. Whether you’re great with youth or enjoy supporting events, researching behind the scenes, leading a major project or spreading the work through social media, you may be exactly who we’re looking for!
Whether leading a tour or participating in a “clean-up” day in the Memorial, Center volunteers devote countless hours and provide valuable service each year.
Share your talent
Graphic designer? Photographer? Musician? Center events require a variety of skill sets to create the powerful programming moments that hallmark our organization.
Share your treasure
Yes, it requires the contribution of cash or stock to fulfill the Center’s mission, but donating goods and services is also important in our annual budget. Whether packages for our annual auction or pro bono legal service, it’s a treasure that keeps giving.
Apply for Our Board of Directors
Looking to volunteer and dedicate time, talent, and treasure to the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights? Consider applying for an appointment on the Center’s Board of Directors.