Civil and Human Rights Training

Furthering Civil and Human Rights with Law Enforcement

Building upon the Wassmuth Center’s successful online Human Rights Certification program, the Center designed a training program specific to law enforcement. In partnership with the Boise Police Department (BPD), the Center offers training to new officers focusing on the Spiral of Injustice and what effective justice looks like in a community. The program includes a docent-led tour of the Memorial and a meeting with diverse community leaders. The opportunity to partner with the City of Boise and BPD to create and deliver this program is critical to the safety and well-being of our community.

“The course made me realize and understand the importance of true self identity meaning, the community role for me and my role in the community, standing up for others when facing any type of injustice, as well as the significant impact a single individual can make. I’m more aware of the things I wasn’t doing or paying sufficient attention to.”


Wassmuth Human Rights Center logo emblem laid in stone

Learn More

If you are with another law enforcement agency and are interested in learning more about the program, please contact us:

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©2024 The Wassmuth Center for Human Rights | All rights reserved | Website by 116 & West