Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Why DEI is Important

The importance of DEI cannot be overstated within our nation’s educational and workplace settings. We spend most of our lives either within the walls of classrooms or offices, encountering those different from ourselves and learning along the way the beauty and complexity of building inclusive work and learning environments. Wassmuth Center DEI programs are grounded in dignity and how honoring it in ourselves and others creates cultures of belonging and excellence. 

In both environments, schools and companies need to address any lacking DEI, and where there is room for improvement to evolve as organizations. Employee retention is highly correlated with strong DEI measures and the Pew Research Center conducted a national survey about DEI in the workplace, with one of the findings showing that about half of workers who have participated in DEI trainings report that they’ve been helpful. Additionally, within educational settings, DEI helps to improve teaching and learning, and inclusive teaching strategies help students feel supported and respected.

Wassmuth Human Rights Center logo emblem laid in stone

The Wassmuth Center and DEI

The Wassmuth Center facilitates programs that educate the public within the broad context of human rights. Human rights, like diversity, equity, and inclusion, are grounded in dignity. The foundational belief that every person is important leads people to embrace diversity rather than fear it, advocate for equitable policies, and intentionally create inclusive communities where innovation thrives. 

Examples of our programs include:

  • Human Rights Certificate Program
  • Centering Dignity to Build a Culture of Belonging Workshops
  • Lunch & Learn Sessions

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